Personalised Training Program & Nutrition Plan

Tailored to meet your goals

All personalised training program are designed based on your experience, lifestyle and day to day activities. Rick has worked with some of the best strength and conditioning coaches around the world, giving him the insight to world-leading training principles that achieve real results. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced athlete, Rick can cater for you with a variety of training programs both in and out of the gym, from resistance training to HIIT performance training.

With his unbiased training principles and proven track record, Rick will help you achieve your goals. And when that happens, you will have the hunger and drive to further exceed those goals! Rick also has years of experience as a qualified nutrition specialist enable him to help you cement and maintain healthy long term eating habits through his nutrition plans.

Every one of Rick’s nutrition plans incorporates the desired macros for each client making sure you consume good quality fats, carbohydrates and protein. Let Rick take the guesswork out of day to day macronutrient and meal planning. He will show you the pathway to success by revealing what food you consume can have the biggest impact on any transformation.




Honest feedback from customers who purchased this package.

Julya B

I have always been an active person; I used to be a dance teacher, played sports, went to the gym. I've been always a skinny person but was never under my weight. I just couldn’t achieve my goal to put muscle on. I was very against starting a nutrition plan and work out plan; nothing seemed to have worked for me in the past regarding “dieting.”   I’m very glad my curiosity pushed me forward and I have learned that this is not a “diet” but a positive lifestyle change!  Rick helped teach me that foods I thought were “healthy” actually were not.  He gave me meals that was already in my routine but with his knowledge could adapt it for better results with the right portions and making it easier for on the go situations. My schedule is not an easy task to work with when working morning, noon, and nights – Rick was able to give me a lot of pointers and help to keep me motivated and keep going when I was feeling unmotivated to work out from years of training and never seeing the results that I wanted.

After the first week, I started noticing changes and was getting very excited and Rick’s enthusiasm is very contagious! He was very supportive all the time, helping me to understand what my body needs and what it doesn’t, not just giving me meal plans as he was explaining me why and what he was doing, helping me out with my training as well. No doubt that was the best decision I could have made at the time, he is an incredible professional with a lot of experience which made me feel much more confident for the effort I was doing. The easiest program I have ever tried and with fast results! I would recommend Rick for sure. Anyone who gets the chance to work with him is very lucky. Success doesn’t come easy, it's your choice to make the moves, and if you have the right support and motivation it becomes much more easy. Thanks Rick.


I’ve struggled with my weight since having a daughter back in 2006 and expanded as big as a size 24.
Thought my weight was normal until a doctor advised I was in the obese range and I was at risk of diabetes if I don’t change.

My weight was constantly up and down like a yoyo.  I’ve tried every diet under the sun, different weight loss products.  I’ve found they worked in the short term to get a quick result however I ended up doubling the weight back on after coming off the program…(Which made me worse then what I was when I started).

I wanted a shortcut to results! I watched You Tube clips, read random articles/programs that had worked for others…Listened to what different people had tried, taken (bro-science answers). I was overloaded with information… I failed many times again and again.

I tried random classes and did occasional cardio training hoping for the best.  After almost a year with no result I was frustrated and wanted results!!! I chose Rick to help me! Best decision I ever made, should have asked for his help sooner! I realize since training with Rick that I can’t cheat to get results. I’ve followed both his nutrition plan and functional training plan which have helped me achieve unbelievable results in such a quick timeframe. By following the program he’s tailored for me I’ve never plateaued!I love the training sessions; no session is ever the same! Highly recommended!


Working in a high pressure Corporate Industry I found over the year’s gradual weight gain and lower back issues from long hours behind a computer.

My back issues were compounded by a car accident several years ago. I decided to join a local gym to try and improve my fitness and loose some of the unwanted kilos. After a few years, I realised that I was not really getting anywhere! I had no real direction with my gym work outs and had no real understanding of nutrition.

I had always avoided personal trainers as I was concerned about my back injury. There was a particular lady who worked at my gym and I asked her what she was doing to achieve her amazing body transformation.

She mentioned that she had started seeing a personal trainer by the name of Rick Brennan who tailored individual programmes. I mentioned that I was nervous to take this first step and had concerns about my back problems. She assured me Rick was very approachable and had the ability to help me.

After much hesitation I contacted Rick and from our first meeting he gave me the confidence to trust in his experience and recommendations for a training and nutrition programme. I credit Rick for helping me change my body shape and his ability to tailor exercises around my back issues which are now almost non-existent. My only regret is that I did not contact Rick sooner!! Much Appreciation


Working with Rick over the past few years has opened my eyes to the endless opportunities we can create. I achieved what I had previously thought was unachievable and now believe nothing is out of my reach. Ricks knowledge of nutrition and the mechanics of the body and how it responds to different styles of training has allowed me to achieve the fittest the healthiest version of myself.


Some of Rick's clients who got great results from this package.

Start training to exceed your goals now!

Get a 100% fully customised training program and nutrition plan based on your experience and current situation. 




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